Treatment Data and Timely Care
Remote Patient Management (RPM) may improve access to treatment data & timely care
Remote Patient Management, as enabled by the Sharesource Connectivity Platform:
- Gives you access to accurate and timely treatment data for your APD patients
- Notifies you of specific issues or events that occur during treatments
- Enables you to adjust your patients’ device settings remotely

Clinicians using APD with Sharesource Connectivity Platform have greater visibility to patient adherence patterns,1 which may allow earlier intervention
Rx Only. For the safe and proper use of the devices mentioned herein, please refer to the appropriate Operator’s Manual.
The Sharesource portal is intended for use by healthcare professionals to remotely communicate with compatible dialysis instruments and transfer data to a central database to aid in the review, analysis, and evaluation of patients’ historical treatment results. This system is not intended to be a substitute for good clinical management practices nor does its operation create decisions or treatment pathways.
Remote Patient Management (RPM) may support proactive patient care

HCPs switching from APD to APD with Sharesource connectivity platform can spend more time on proactive patient care2
Rx Only. For the safe and proper use of the devices mentioned herein, please refer to the appropriate Operator’s Manual.
Remote Patient Management (RPM) may improve technique survival

Patients under remote management were found to have improved blood pressure control and ultrafiltration3
Rx Only. For the safe and proper use of the devices mentioned herein, please refer to the appropriate Operator’s Manual.
* Comparison of treatment and medical evaluation 6 months before and 6 months after RPM-APD exposure in 15 patients who were followed for a 6-month period