HCP completing paper form

Cost Effective and Reduced Hospitalization

PD is cost-effective and offers significant financial benefits

Dialysis patients are 1% of the Medicare population, and yet account for 7% of Medicare budget1

  • With rising health care costs, prioritizing PD can lower health care expenditure without compromising patient-centered outcomes

PD is significantly less costly than ICHD, allowing centers to deliver on financial performance targets

  • 94% of published studies across 46 countries demonstrated PD to be less costly than HD2
  • PD requirements for provider infrastructure are less than those of HD2

PD allows centers to accelerate home therapy growth without the infrastructure restrictions or capital investment associated with ICHD

Smiling healthcare professional

ADP with Remote Patient Management (RPM) is associated with reduced hospitalization rates, lowering resource utilization and costs up to 39%3

RPM with Sharesource Connectivity Platform is associated with reduced hospitalization rates3,4 which allow hospitals and clinics to reduce costs and redirect resources4

Associated with lower hospitalization rates and fewer hospitalisation days3

A retrospective cohort study including 360 patients with a mean age of 57 years (diabetes 42.5%) initiating APD between 1 October 2016 and 30 June 2017 in Vantive Renal Care Services (VRCS) units in Columbia

Graphic showing APD with RPM is associated with lower hospitalization rates and fewer hospitalization days

Potentially lowers resource utilization and costs4

Based on a simulated study ± Estimated total of all scenarios for 12 patient profiles in the US

Graphic showing APD with RPM potentially lowers resource utilization and costs
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Prioritize PD, a more cost-effective therapy than ICHD, to lower overall healthcare costs and, with Remote Patient Management (RPM), to reduce hospitalization costs

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CMS continues to incentivize the use of home therapies through regulatory reform, with finalization of the ESRD treatment choices (ETC) model