ETC Model

ETC model incentivizes the use of Home Therapies by offering financial incentives to clinicians and ESRD facilities1,2
ETC Model – Overview2,3
ETC Model – The Facts2,3
There are two types of payment adjustments applicable to facilities and managing clinicians.
- Home Dialysis Payment Adjustment (HDPA) – positive adjustments applied to the Facility PPS and Clinician MCP payments for driving home therapy use
- Performance Payment Adjustment (PPA) – Positive or negative reimbursement adjustments to the Facility PPS and Clinician MCP payments are applied to all qualifying traditional Medicare Primary dialysis patients (ICHD, PD and HHD) for driving home therapy use and transplantation
- ETC Model is a 6.5 year model effective on January 1, 2021 through June 30, 20272
- The Kidney Disease Education (KDE) benefit allows more of the nephrologist’s clinical staff to provide the sessions and more patients to receive them (CKD Stage V and the first 6 months of ESRD), in addition to CKD Stage IV)
ETC HDPA Home Dialysis Payment Adjustment
Positive adjustments applied for growing home therapy use
ETC PAA Performance Payment Adjustment
Positive and negative adjustments applied for growing home therapy use (including self-care dialysis @ 50%) and transplant (including waitlist)

Each measurement year becomes your benchmark in future measurement years
Clinician monthly capitation PPA overview2,3
Financial Impact for clinicians2,4
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