Self-care for kidney health

How can you practice self-care for kidney health?

Healthy eating and regular physical exercise can reduce your risk of getting chronic kidney disease (CKD) or keep it from getting worse. Here is what you need to know about nutrition and exercise to practice self-care for kidney health. 

BE REAL meaning

Couple chopping vegetables in their kitchen and referencing a recipe on their phone.

Take charge of your health

Living a healthy lifestyle can help protect your kidney health and reduce your risk of developing other diseases. 

Start with these basic health strategies: 

  • Eat a balanced diet 
  • Keep fit and active 
  • Maintain blood glucose control 
  • Monitor your blood pressure 
  • Maintain a healthy weight 
  • Drink alcohol in moderation (or not at all) 
  • Maintain a healthy fluid intake 
  • Don’t smoke 
  • Don’t take over-the-counter medicine on a regular basis 
  • Keep a health journal to monitor your health

Basics of good nutrition

Eating right for kidney disease

Be on the move

Woman making a smoothie and referencing her phone for the toolkit.

Real tools for real change


Black K.A.R.E. Nutritional Series
Nutrition in Your Kitchen – Holiday Cookout

Coping with the emotional aspects of your diagnosis

Getting diagnosed with CKD is a life-changing event. It is normal for you to feel a range of emotions. Initially, you may feel shocked by unexpected test results or sad and fearful about the idea of living with a chronic illness. The way you cope with these emotions can significantly affect your physical and mental health throughout your treatment journey.

It is important to allow yourself to feel these emotions without judgment, recognize them as a normal part of life, and look for opportunities to turn them into positive changes in your mindset and lifestyle.

Remember that you are not alone—your clinician and healthcare team can connect you with the resources you need to manage your emotions. Your family members and caregivers may also play an important role. To get the most out of this support network, you may need to take the lead—ask questions, report symptoms, share your feelings, and educate yourself about CKD.

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How can I find out if I have CKD?

About 1 in 7 adults in the United States are estimated to have CKD, and most are undiagnosed. Talk with your healthcare provider to see if you have CKD.

4 people

Race and kidney disease

It’s important to know the facts. CKD affects some ethnic groups in different ways. We have therefore dedicated resources to help those who are differently and more frequently affected.